Dr. Fatma Gülmez from the Department of Geological Engineering with a team of scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany and Australia Macquarie University in Sydney have published their experimental results in Scientific Reports. Using a piston-cylinder apparatus and a novel experimental approach, they conducted high-pressure, high-temperature experiments to simulate the reactions between crustal and mantle lithologies under fore-arc mantle conditions. They were able to produce carbonatitic and silicic melts interacting with peridotitic upper mantle to form metasomes as a mantle reservoir for the silica undersaturated ultrapotassic melts.

Gülmez, F., Prelević, D., Förster, M.W. et al. Experimental production of K-rich metasomes through sediment recycling at the slab-mantle interface in the fore-arc. Sci Rep 13, 19608 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46367-7
You can reach the paper by following links: https://rdcu.be/ds0lG