Efficiency Project Awards of Turkey-2021 conducted under the auspices of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology found their owners. The best project award on Research and Development category was given to the one entitled “Development of New Grinding Technologies for Ceramic Industry- Efficiency Grinding Technology”. This award-winning project was realized by a cooperative effort between Prof.Dr. Hasan Ergin from Istanbul Technical University, Mining Engineering Department and Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur Seramik Sanayi A.Ş. and Remas Makine Redüktör Sanayi A.Ş. The project reached at the 1st place on Research and Development area among the 468 projects applications. The awards were presented by Minister Mustafa Varank to their owners at Bilişim Vadisi Complex on December 17, 2021. Efficiency Project Awards are given to the projects performed by universities, enterprises operating in industry and service sectors and public institutions. Thematic areas are designed to aim at improving the quality of products or services; to increase the performance of business processes, increasing the efficiency of raw materials, materials, energy, capital and human resources; increasing the profitability of the business or to reduce its costs and improving the quality of working life.
- Prof. Dr. Ercan Özcan and Res.Assist. Ali Osman Yücel from the Department of Geological Engineering are invited by the Department of Earth Sciences of Sultan Qaboos University as part of an international cooperation. The main purpose of their visit between 9-19 December 2021 is to participate a fieldwork and to collect samples. Within the framework of this visit, they conduct stratigraphy and paleontological studies.
- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tuna Eken from the Department of Geophysical Engineering acted seven times as a co-convener in a co-organized Seismology-Geodynamic section entitled “Anisotropy from crust to core: Observations, models and implications” during European Geosciences Union General Assembly (vEGU21) that was held online this year. vEGU21 has included 18,172 scientists from 135 countries, attending 13,643 live presentations in 642 scientific sessions, 5 Union Symposia, and 32 Medal and Award Lectures sessions; attending 5 Great Debates and 56 Short Courses; networking in 47 Union-organized and 72 pop-up networking events; and attending 117 side events.

- Prof. Dr. Neslihan Ocakoğlu Gökaşan from the Department of Geophysical Engineering was invited by two Webinar organizations namely “Quick Quake Briefing: M7.0 Samos Island (Offshore Greece and Turkey) Earthquake October 30, 2020 (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, USA) on 24th August, 2021” and “2 days International webinar on Architecture, Civil & Earthquake Engineering (Mahendra Engineering College, India) on 24th September, 2021”. Professor Gökaşan gave a speech entitled “The 30 October 2020 M7 Samos quake offshore the Greece-Turkey: Seismic stratigraphic and structural features of Alaçatı-Doğanbey-Kuşadası self area” in those events.
- Our faculty members Prof. Dr. Ömer İnanç Türeyen and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Artun from the ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department took active participation in a workshop organized by the Chamber of Petroleum Engineers (CPE). Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürşat Altun had the duty of being the moderator ın the same event. All the three faculty members then took active roles during the discussion parts of the workshop. The workshop focused on four main topics:
- The ideal Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering curriculum
- The quotas of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Departments in Turkey and the overall competency of the new
- Long Term Internships
- Industry – CPE – University collaboration