This research project with the title of “CONCENTRATION OF DIFFERENT IRON ORES” was conducted in Mineral Processing Laboratories of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Faculty of Mines, Mineral Processing Department. In the scope of this project, Particle Size Distribution (PSD), comminution, sink and float, shaking table, low intensity magnetic separation and high intensity magnetic separation, flotation, sedimentation, filtration and blaine tests have been carried out on the 5 samples brought from Pakistan by ALLMINERAL. The project involves many processes and iron concentrate is obtained as a result of a series of experiments. As a result of many experiments, 3 out of 5 samples with high iron content (69.74%, 69.16%, 71.65% Fe) were obtained ready for pelletizing.

Magnetite Concentrate 1

Magnetite Concentrate 2

Magnetite Concentrate 3