Other News from Our Academicians

by Devrim Başar Han | Dec 24, 2024
Our faculty members actively participated in various scientific events, projects and awarded research grants in 2024.

Our faculty members and research assistants were entitled to receive ITU academic performance 2024 awards in two categories:


In ITU 2023 Most Publications Award Category (Faculty Members):

Prof. Dr. Fırat Burat

Prof. Dr. Murat Çınar

Prof Dr. Hanifi Çopur

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kumral

Prof. Dr. Orhan Özdemir

Prof. Dr. Tuncay Taymaz

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amr Abdelnasser Alı Khalıl

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kaya


In ITU 2021-2023 Academic Performance Category (Faculty Members):

Prof. Dr. Nurgül Çelik Balcı

Prof. Dr. Fırat Burat

Prof. Dr. Ziyadin Çakır

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sabri Çelik

Prof. Dr. Murat Çınar

Prof. Dr. Emin Çiftçi

Prof. Dr. Hanifi Çopur

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Tuna Eken


In ITU 2023 Most Publications Award Category (Research Assistants):

Muharrem Hilmi Çevik

Ceyhun Erman

Yusuf Enes Pural

Dr. Anıl Soylu

Dr. Ali Tuğcan Ünlüer

Dr. Nurettin Yakupoğlu

Prof. Dr. Hanifi Çopur from the Department of Mining Engineering of the Faculty of Mines was entitled to receive Top Reviewer 2023 award of the Elsevier-TUST (Tunneling and Underground Space Technology Journal).


Our research assistant Ceyhun Erman from the Department of Geophysical Engineering of the Faculty of Mines has been awarded 2214-A Overseas Postdoctoral Research Fellowship by TUBITAK to carry out scientific activities in Italy.

İTÜ Faculty of Mines


The Faculty of Mines was established in 1953 in Istanbul. At its first years, the faculty composed of mainly Turkish and German professors, and its program was similar to those days’ famous mining schools such as Aachen, Clausthal and Freiberg.

Today, the Faculty of Mines with five departments (Mining, Geological, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Geophysical, and Mineral Processing Engineering) and 13 sub-divisions is graduating young and proficient engineers to search, develop and produce underground sources of Turkey.