Halide Nur Dursun | Dec 24, 2024
The Industry-Academy-Student Meetings were held on the themes of "Responsible Mining" and "Mining and the Environment", with a focus on "Human-Environment-Social Life". The 3th Industry-Academia-Student Meetings were held on 22-23 October 2024, with a significant number of participants from the mining and geosciences sectors in attendance, along with academics and students.
The third annual "Industry Academy Student Meetings", traditionally organised by the ITU Faculty of Mines, took place on 22-23 October 2024 at the İhsan Ketin Conference Hall. The event was held in collaboration with TETHYS: Trans-Eurasian Gateway, EIT Raw Materials, and the event's primary sponsor, Yeniköy Kemerköy Energy.
Leading representatives of the industry such as Istanbul Gold Refinery, Öksüt Mining/Centerra Gold Inc., Eti Bakır A.Ş., TÜPRAG Metal Mining Inc., Koza Altın İşletmeleri A.Ş., Barit Maden Türk A.Ş., Krom Üreticileri Derneği (KROMDER), Istanbul Mineral Exporters’ Association (İMİB), SAY Metal, SERHAM (Producers Association for Ceramic, Glass, and Cement Raw Materials) and Ento Maden Global A.Ş participated as GOLD SPONSORS. Yılmaz Proses Teknolojileri Dış Ticaret A.Ş., Zimer Communication, and FKK Güney Oto Lastik Takoz San. ve Tic. A.Ş. participated as SILVER SPONSORS. JEMAS Engineering, MHS Dış Ticaret A.Ş., Tümad Mining Industry and Trade Inc., Gübretaş Mining Investments Inc., Polyak Eynez Energy Production and Mining Industry Inc., Ersel Heavy Machinery Industry and Trade Inc., Çayeli Copper Enterprises Inc., and Tora Mining contributed as BRONZE SPONSORS.
During two days, 28 companies, NGOs, and representatives of institutions gave presentations within six different sessions. Additionally, two panels moderated by Dr. Şeref Oğuz and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kumral featured eight expert panelists who shared insights on “Responsible Mining” and “Mining & Environment”. Throughout the event, our faculty members and students had the opportunity to listen to a total of 36 representatives from the sector.
From outside the university, 162 participants from 76 different companies, NGOs, and institutions attended the event, which was also followed by six members of the important press and media organisations. Nearly 350 students attended various sessions at different times, while many also visited company booths to engage in one-on-one discussions with industry representatives. Additionaly, approximately 150 faculty members from different departments participated in the sessions and panels.
This event brought together academics of the ITU faculty of Mines, future engineers pursuing education in earth sciences, and all components of the mining sector, offering a valuable opportunity to comprehensively examine the industry.
The use of natural and secondary resources is of critical importance for the development and prosperity of nations worldwide. During the event, the role of Türkiye’s mining sector in resource utilization was thoroughly discussed, while two panels, “Responsible Mining” and “Mining & Environment”, emphasized the concepts of “Human-environment-social life”.
The environmental and social impacts of mining activities on local communities in mining regions were discussed in detail, alongside the importance of the coexistence of subsurface mining and surface agriculture. Topics including green energy transition, circular economy applications, mining practices adhering to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria, and Türkiye’s leadership roles in these areas were also addressed.
ITU students attending the event had the opportunity to meet representatives of leading mining companies from Türkiye and Europe, share their projects, and gain insights into career opportunities.