Evaluation of Gallium Recovery Potential from LED Lamps

by Devrim Başar Han | Dec 24, 2024
Assist Prof. Ş. Beste Aydın, Research Assist. İlkyaz Nazlım Dinç from the Department of Mineral Processing Engineering investigate Gallium Recovery Potential from LED Lamps within the framework of a new project supported by the İTU Scientific Research Project Coordination Office (İTU BAP).

As a relatively new product in the lighting industry, LED lamps require efficiency in resource utilization, environmental and economic improvements such as recycling and elimination of hazardous materials.  The collection and recycling of these complex wastes is a challenge. Some components of LED lamps are classified as critical and precious metals, and these metals are considered to carry a high supply risk. Elements such as gold, silver, copper, gallium, indium and rare earth metals can be found in printed circuit boards (PCBs) and LED chips. Environmental sustainability will be ensured by the recovery of economically valuable metals in the content of LED lamps, which can be considered as secondary sources.

İTÜ Faculty of Mines


The Faculty of Mines was established in 1953 in Istanbul. At its first years, the faculty composed of mainly Turkish and German professors, and its program was similar to those days’ famous mining schools such as Aachen, Clausthal and Freiberg.

Today, the Faculty of Mines with five departments (Mining, Geological, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Geophysical, and Mineral Processing Engineering) and 13 sub-divisions is graduating young and proficient engineers to search, develop and produce underground sources of Turkey.