Simulation of the Reactions Between Crustal and Mantle Lithologies Under Fore-Arc Mantle Conditions

by Halide Nur Dursun | Jan 05, 2024
Recent experimental results of Assist. Professor Fatma Gülmez of Department of Geological Engineering and her colleagues from from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany and Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia have been published in Scientific Reports.

Dr. Fatma Gülmez from the Department of Geological Engineering with a team of scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany and Australia Macquarie University in Sydney have published their experimental results in Scientific Reports. Using a piston-cylinder apparatus and a novel experimental approach, they conducted high-pressure, high-temperature experiments to simulate the reactions between crustal and mantle lithologies under fore-arc mantle conditions.  They were able to produce carbonatitic and silicic melts interacting with peridotitic upper mantle to form metasomes as a mantle reservoir for the silica undersaturated ultrapotassic melts.

Gülmez, F., Prelević, D., Förster, M.W. et al. Experimental production of K-rich metasomes through sediment recycling at the slab-mantle interface in the fore-arc. Sci Rep 13, 19608 (2023).


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İTÜ Faculty of Mines


The Faculty of Mines was established in 1953 in Istanbul. At its first years, the faculty composed of mainly Turkish and German professors, and its program was similar to those days’ famous mining schools such as Aachen, Clausthal and Freiberg.

Today, the Faculty of Mines with five departments (Mining, Geological, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Geophysical, and Mineral Processing Engineering) and 13 sub-divisions is graduating young and proficient engineers to search, develop and produce underground sources of Turkey.