Recent Point of Care (PoC) Electrochemical Testing Trends of New Diagnostics Platforms for Vitamin D

by Halide Nur Dursun | Jan 05, 2024
A recent study published at the ChemistrySelect by Assoc. Prof. Birgül Benli from the Department of Mineral Processing Engineering, with contributions from graduate student Mervenur Kirazoğlu from the Program of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering highlights the recent progress in electrochemical sensors for detecting vitamin D, emphasizing their simplicity and high sensitivity.

The research highlights the recent progress in electrochemical sensors for detecting vitamin D, emphasizing their simplicity and high sensitivity. Advances include innovative electrode materials and absorptive detection using carriers like nanoclays. These biosensors offer potential for cheap, disposable, and biodegradable solutions, enabling real-time monitoring of vitamin D levels. Integration into smartphone-based electrochemical sensors aligns with emerging trends in point-of-care testing, making it a promising approach for identifying and monitoring vitamin D deficiency.

This study was led by Assoc. Prof. Birgül Benli from the Department of Mineral Processing Engineering, with contributions from graduate student Mervenur Kirazoğlu from the Program of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.

You can find the article in: 


Journal: ChemistrySelect

Impact Factor: Q2, 2.307

İTÜ Faculty of Mines


The Faculty of Mines was established in 1953 in Istanbul. At its first years, the faculty composed of mainly Turkish and German professors, and its program was similar to those days’ famous mining schools such as Aachen, Clausthal and Freiberg.

Today, the Faculty of Mines with five departments (Mining, Geological, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Geophysical, and Mineral Processing Engineering) and 13 sub-divisions is graduating young and proficient engineers to search, develop and produce underground sources of Turkey.